Creating Development Plans

Click Development Plans

To create a plan based on a template:

  • Click the button with 3 dots at the top right side of the page
  • Click Create Plan From Template
    • From the list, you can preview the plan by clicking preview.
    • Click Apply Template to choose a template
  • You can make changes to the fields of the plan to customize it for your team member
  • To add objectives:
    • Click Add Objective
    • Type the skill that you want to include in this development plan
    • Select the category for that skill
    • Under Learning and Development, you can choose to search for online learning in the database, browse recommended training, or add your own development action.
  • Adding your own development action allows you to add tasks, benchmarks, and other requirements for completion of the plan.
  • o You can Save and Add Another Development Objective, or you can Save and return to Plan.
  • Assign the plan
    • Self only: This is a development plan that you are creating for your own development.
    • My Team: Clicking this allows you to assign the plan to one or more team members.
    • Custom Assignment: Clicking this allows you to search for a group of people to assign the plan to, such as technicians.
  • You can choose to make this plan the priority plan for the assignee by clicking the radio button at the bottom of the page.
  • Click Submit Plan.

You may also choose to create an untemplated plan.

  • Click Create New Plan
  • Instead of the fields being filled in, you will need to enter the information for
    • Title
    • Description
  • Untemplated plans mean there are no objectives. To add objectives, click Add Objective, then follow the Objectives instructions above.
  • Follow the above instructions to assign the plan and choose whether to make it a priority plan.
  • Click Submit Plan.
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