There are hundreds of content providers on the internet. Some of our favorites include: YouTube TedTalks AtDove eBooks such as Audible and Kindle We also like the free online classes at major universities, such as:
YouTube is a video content platform, not connected to the LearningVet platform, which has millions of videos available. Many of them are irrelevant to veterinary care, but some can be very valuable. Simply go to to spend hours browsing content.
There may be an issue with the link itself. Try deleting the content from your playlist by clicking the X in the box, find the content, and paste the new link to the “Add a Link” text box to re-create the content.
In the Playlist, click “Add Link” Paste the link to the content you want to add to the playlist, then press Enter Adjust the content type, duration, and language, if needed, and add any comments about the content Click Add to Playlist
Click the hamburger icon, then click Admin, then Users, and search for the employee Click the employee’s name, then click My Learning at the top of the page Click the down arrow next to the box to the right of the course title Click Remove Click the box next to “Remove training within the curriculum” …
All courses are launched in a pop-up window. If a course is not launching, your browser is likely blocking pop-ups. Check your browser address bar for the pop-up symbol, click it, then click “Always allow pop-ups from”
Due dates can be created when you are assigning a course. If you want to change a course due date: Click the hamburger icon, then Admin Learning, then Manage Employee Learning Click the View Transcript emblem for the learner Click the arrow next to the View Training button, then click View Training Details Click the …
There are two ways to assign courses to team members. You can access videos that go through both processes HERE (Long Version) and HERE (Short Version). You can also find step-by-step instructions in your Quick Reference Guide, which can be downloaded HERE.